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Society for California Archaeology

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Upcoming events

    • 13 Mar 2025
    • 8:00 AM
    • 16 Mar 2025
    • 5:00 PM
    • Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport (Burlingame) - 1333 Bayshore Hwy, Burlingame, CA 94010-1804



    The 59th Annual Meeting will be held March 13-16, 2025 at the Hyatt Regency SFO Airport (Burlingame) and the theme is Relevancy: Considering Connections Through Archaeology

    We live in a digital age of accelerated social change. Ever-present social media, vast repositories of readily available information, and artificial intelligence creating new narratives are all profound technological revolutions crashing upon society. This dynamic context is causing a collective introspection on what is valued in many arenas. SCA members must lead this shift as it relates to archaeology to avoid profound and irreversible changes to our discipline and California's rich archaeological heritage. The interests of descendant communities and scientific values can meld to create a more relevant and appropriate archaeology. The SCA mission speaks to this, explicitly stating we are an “organization dedicated to research, understanding, interpretation, and conservation of the heritage of California” and we “seek to increase public appreciation and support for archaeology in California.”

    The plenary theme this year, therefore, is “Relevancy.” The archaeological record is a compelling chronicle of underrepresented people, a testimony about how humans have persevered, is a source of inspiration, and provides a direct window into climate and environment with an unmatched time span. It holds powerful value as a tangible source of identity and belonging. Let us convene at our 2025 Annual Meeting to showcase our successes in how we study, understand, interpret, and conserve the archaeological record to inform future science and society. Let’s also take time to assess how to adapt and improve efforts for future archaeology in the betterment of the discipline, our world, and the SCA. Formal presentations, poster sessions, workshops, panel sessions, and lively discussion using this theme will help us work collaboratively to increase public appreciation and support for archaeology in California.

    More Information:



    Refunds for cancelled registrations will not be granted after February 16, 2025.  If you are unable to attend, your registration fee will be applied as a donation to the SCA.  

    • 13 Mar 2025
    • 8:00 AM
    • 16 Mar 2025
    • 10:00 PM
    • Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport (Burlingame) - 1333 Bayshore Hwy, Burlingame, CA 94010-1804

    Volunteers are a valuable resource at the SCA Annual  Meeting. They assist the local planning committee, working as room monitors, ticket takers, registration desk assistants, event and tour help, etc. With your six-hour commitment, the student registration fee is waived and regular member fee is 50% off. You will receive access to all general sessions, symposia, and non-ticketed events. All other events require tickets. Of course, you will also receive our deepest gratitude!

    Please be sure to become a member prior to submitting this form. 

    Upon receipt of your volunteer form we will contact you about your service, then your meeting registration will be entered into the system. If you wish to attend ticketed events, such as the workshops, you may register for those separately.

    You will receive confirmation of meeting registration within a week of your form submission. If you have questions, contact the Business Office at

    Volunteers must register on or before January 16, 2025.  

    • 13 Mar 2025
    • 9:00 AM
    • 16 Mar 2025
    • 12:00 AM
    • Annual Meeting Program - Riverside

    Your advertisement in the 2025 Meeting Program is a great opportunity to reach a large, statewide audience. This meeting attracts professionals and community leaders, planners, public and private sector representatives, and avocational archaeologists from all over California. The Program will include a list of all workshops, events, tours, and other activities planned for the meeting, and is used by all attendees.

    Advertising artwork should be sent to the SCA Business Office at The deadline for artwork is January 12, 2025.

    Artwork specs:

    Full-Page Ad Dimensions: 4.75" x 7.75”

    Half-Page Ad Dimensions: 4.75" x 3.5”

    Quarter-Page Ad Dimensions: 3.25" x 4.25”

    Business Card: 3.5" x 1.75

    JPEG or PDF format, 300 dpi at ad size

    • 13 Mar 2025
    • 5:00 PM
    • 16 Mar 2025
    • 12:00 PM
    • Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport - 1333 Bayshore Hwy, Burlingame, CA 94010
    • 1

    Vendor set-up will be Thursday March 13, after 5:00 p.m. Breakdown must be completed by 12:00 p.m., Sunday, March 16, 2025.

    Rates are per six-foot table (including linens and two chairs) for the three days of the meeting.
    1-2 tables: $120.00 per table
    3 or more tables: $105.00 per table
    Non-Profit: $65.00 per table

    Electric and WiFi information: contact the office,

    Table reservations are due by February 9, 2025.

    Cancellations must be made via email to before Friday, February 16, 2025, to receive a 50% refund.

    Please Note: We are required to have the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration CDTFA form 410-D on file for all vendors EVEN IF YOU SELL NOTHING. Please complete the fillable PDF and e-mail to office@scahome. Fillable PDF

    To pay by check, please return the completed form, along with your check made payable to the SCA, to: SCA BUSINESS OFFICE, P.O. Box 2582, Granite Bay, CA 95746, (530) 342-3537.

    Exhibitors shall indemnify and hold harmless the Society for California Archaeology, its officers, employees and members, and the Riverside Convention Center, from any and all liability that might ensue from any cause whatsoever. Exhibitors agree to make no claims against all parties listed above for any loss, theft, damage, or destruction of goods, or for any injury to themselves or employees while in the exhibit area.

    • 14 Mar 2025
    • 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM
    • Hyatt Regency SFO, 1333 Old Bayshore Hwy, Burlingame, CA 94010

    The 2025 Silent Auction and Mocktail/Wine/Beer Tasting Event will be held at the Hyatt Regency SFO in Burlingame.
    Your firm has the opportunity to take an active role as a sponsor/host. Reserve your table to provide friends and colleagues with your favorite beverages. Company representative(s) will have a table for beverages, swag, snacks, and information. Sponsors receive TWO complimentary tickets to the Silent Auction for use by table staff.

    Additional information regarding your table set-up, supplies you should bring, etc., will be provided closer to the meeting date.

    • 15 Mar 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    • SCA Annual Meeting in Burlingame

    The Annual  SCA Ethics Bowl is Coming to Burlingame and We Need Your Help!

    The SCA will hold the annual Ethics Bowl competition at the upcoming annual meeting in Riverside. Organized similarly to the SAA Ethics Bowl, which has been held at their annual meetings for several years now, teams of 3-5 students from various universities or colleagues from various agencies, CRM companies, or other groups or organization will compete against each other in a series of rounds. The winning team moves on to the next round until there is a final winning team. The winning team takes home a travelling trophy to display in the office/department for the next year and their team or school name is engraved onto the trophy. Additional prizes will be awarded to winning team members.

    The competition is based on a series of “cases.” The cases will focus on California archaeological scenarios and the regulations, laws and policies that apply. Many will be particular to the State of California, California institutions and organizations, but also may include national regulations, and potentially, international regulations. Each case is a realistic but fictionalized scenario, often based on actual events, that raises ethical issues about archaeological practice and research. These are sometimes based on field research where issues of ethical concern have occurred. Issues surrounding Museum collections are another good source for cases, but cases may be based on any aspect of archaeological practice in California. There is usually a primary ethical issue that is the focus of the case, but a case may have several issues. All the cases are published beforehand and all participating teams are expected to read them, research them, discuss them, and even conduct mock competitions as a means of preparing. A good deal of preparation by the teams is advisable, resulting in a significant learning opportunity for the team members in terms of ethics and judgement. We see this as a great way to help prepare future California archaeological professionals to make sound ethical decisions in archaeological practice. 

    During a competitive round, the first team is told what case they are being given and are asked a question about the case that highlights the ethical issue(s) and what should have been done or should be done. The first team has time to confer and then presents their answer. After that, the second team comments on the performance of the first team, noting if they agree with their answer and whether there were mistakes or omissions by the first team.  Then the process repeats with a different case presented to the second team. A panel of judges ranks team performance using a series of criteria. Once the round has completed, the judges add up the numeric scoring criteria and declare a winner. The ultimate winner will be announced at the business meeting (and/or the Banquet) and the travelling trophy and other prizes presented. Many of the participating teams would be from colleges and universities located within the State of California, but any school conducting California archaeological research would be eligible to field a team. Judges will be solicited from experienced SCA members.

    In addition to being great competitive fun, the Ethics Bowl will provide a dynamic opportunity for students to learn about laws, regulations, policies and how to make good ethical decisions in archaeological practice, often in complicated circumstances, with sometimes imprecise, somewhat vague and competing rules, regulations, and policies. Teams may be developed out of classes, such as ethics or regional archaeology courses, but teams could also be created in a number of different ways, including department student clubs or other organizations. 

    1. Please help us develop cases ASAP! If you know of any good scenarios, based on actual events or not, please send them to us. Ideas or fully developed cases will be appreciated. All cases will be fictionalized. If you want to get an idea of what cases entail, you might want to take a look at past cases from the SAA at Send ideas and potential cases to the SCA Office. We need cases to be submitted by January 31, 2025.
    2. If you are interested in forming and entering a team in the competition, the sooner we know, the better. 
    3. If you are willing to help organize the SCA Ethics Bowl, including helping to prepare cases, recruiting judges, and staffing the event itself, please let us know NOW.
    4. We are considering the participation of teams other than from colleges and universities, such as from CRM firms, regulatory agencies, or other groups and organizations. If your organization is interested in entering a non-school team, please let us know.
    • 15 Mar 2025
    • 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
    • Hyatt Regency SFO, 1333 Bayshore Hwy, Burlingame, CA

    Companies will set-up Saturday, March 15, at 11:00 a.m. and breakdown at 4:00 p.m.

    Each company will have a six-foot table (including linens and two chairs).

    Table: $100.00
    Non-Profit Table: $50.00

    Job Fair participants shall indemnify and hold harmless the Society for California Archaeology, its officers, employees and members, and the Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport, from any and all liability that might ensue from any cause whatsoever. Exhibitors agree to make no claims against all parties listed above for any loss, theft, damage, or destruction of goods, or for any injury to themselves or employees while in the exhibit area.

Society for California Archaeology
Business Office
P.O. Box 2582 |  Granite Bay  |  CA 95746

Contact Us:
(530) 342-3537

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